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SA Students Score High Marks on National Italian Exam

National Italian Exam graphic

The American Association of Teachers of Italian recently announced the 2024 National Italian Exam Award Winners. Saint Andrew’s had 15 students win awards. Kennedy Szabo '25, one of SA’s 10 Gold Award recipients, also received the Top Achiever Award for scoring in the 99-100 percentile. She will receive a monetary prize for this accomplishment.

Over 5,000 high school students participated in the exam this year, with over 1,500 students receiving medals or other awards. 

Medals and certificates are distributed according to the following cut-scores: 

Gold Medal: 90-100 percentile 

Silver Medal: 80- 89 percentile 

Bronze Medal: 70 - 79 percentile 

Congratulations to all the students listed below for their award-winning results.



Alexia Sotomayor Acuna '25

Mia Aronsohn '25  

Lea De Matteis '25

Ruxane Jean '25

Sofia Yamhure Sepulveda '25

Pauline Schorr '25 

Benjamin Silverstein '24

Kennedy Szabo '25

Mia Venezia '25

Leyton Zorumski '24    



Calum Harding '24  

Jake Venezia '24



Mason Estra '24

Gabriel Fernandez Rodriguez '24            



Zackary DePalmer '24

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